2006 North Atlantic Cup |
This first North Atlantic Cup has been held by the Bicycle Polo Association of Ireland 22 & 23 April 2006 on the polo pitch of the Phoenix park in Dublin. Eight teams from the U.S.A. (for the first time ever in an international tournament, San Francisco B.P., and the last winners of the International Championship, the American B.P.A.), the U.K. (Johnstone W.C.C. 1 & 2), Ireland (Dublin Obelisk & Phoenix) and France (E.S. Gervais-Lilas & V.C. Frileuse-Sanvic) played matches of 4 X 10 minutes. Teams played in two qualification groups of 4 teams each: |
Group 1 |
Group 2 |
Dublin Obelisk (Ireland) |
American B.P.A. (U.S.A.) |
Johnstone W.C.C. 1 (U.K.) |
Dublin Phoenix (Ireland) |
San Francisco B.P. (U.S.A.) |
E.S. Gervais-Lilas (France) |
V.C. Frileuse-Sanvic (France) |
Johnstone W.C.C. 2 (U.K.) |
A victory gave 3 points, a tie: 2 points, a defeat: 1 point and a forfeit: 0 points. If, after all qualification matches, two teams had the same number of points, the decision between both teams would have followed the conditions below (in order of priority):
Qualification matches results
Group 1 |
Scores |
Group 2 |
Scores |
3 - 2 |
15 - 0 |
5 - 1 |
2 - 3 |
16 - 2 |
3 - 3 |
4 - 1 |
10 - 1 |
11 - 0 |
3 - 1 |
16 - 0 |
15 - 0 |
Ranking after the qualification matches
Group 1 |
Group 2 |
V.C. Frileuse-Sanvic (9 points) |
E.S. Gervais-Lilas (8 points ; + 17) |
Johnstone W.C.C. 1 (7 points) |
American B.P.A. (8 points ; + 16) |
Dublin Obelisk (5 points) |
Dublin Phoenix2 (5 points) |
San Francisco B.P. (3 points) |
Johnstone W.C.C. 2 (3 points) |
Finale matches results
San Francisco B.P. / Johnstone W.C.C. 2 : 5 - 3
Dublin Obelisk / Dublin Phoenix : 3 - 1
American B.P.A. / Johnstone W.C.C. 1 : 7 - 5
V.C. Frileuse-Sanvic / E.S. Gervais-Lilas : 8 - 2
2006 North Atlantic Cup final ranking 1/
Frileuse-Sanvic (France) |
Press articles:
n° 2277, 15 December 2006 (p. 2)
Other North Atlantic Cups:
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