2016 Vigo Tournament |
second leg of the 2016 European Cup, the 9th Vigo Tournament has been very well organised by
Bike Polo
25 & 26 June 2016 on the pitch of the Vigo Rugby Football Club in Vigo,
Nine club teams have played this tournament in 2X15 minute matches: the Barbarians (Ireland, Scotland and France), a mixed team made of players of the Cirencester Bike Polo and the Chelsea Bike Polo (United Kingdom), the Oakenden Bike Polo "Oakenden", "Amazons" & "Tigers" (United Kingdom), the Parisis Athletic Club 95 (France), the Pédales Varengevillaises 1 & 2 (France) and the Radler-Club 1913 Wendelstein e.V. "Polonauten" (Germany).
In each
tournament, a victory
gave 3 points, a tie 2 points, a defeat 1 point and a forfeith 0 point.
If, after all
matches, two teams had the same number of points, the decision between both
teams would have followed the conditions below (in order of priority):
Saturday 25 June 2016
Sunday 26 June 2016
Best scorers
1) Zack Jeffret (Oakenden
B.P. "Oakenden"): 21 goals
2) Billy Quibel
(Pédales Varengevillaises
19 goals
3) Sam Baylis (Oakenden
B.P. "Oakenden"),
Fergus McMeeken (Barbarians) & Lénaïc Maréchal (Pédales Varengevillaises
1): 9 goals
Jürgen Haas (R.C. Wendelstein)
& Pierre Potier (Parisis A.C.
95): 5 goals
8) Richard Adamson (Oakenden
P. "Tigers"),
Jürgen Diebels (R.C. Wendelstein), Martin
Holmes (Barbarians), Stéphane Paris (Pédales Varengevillaises
1) & Pascal Siméon (Pédales Varengevillaises
1): 4 goals
Richard Barclay (Oakenden
B.P. "Amazons"), Evan
Connon (Barbarians), Benjamen Herry (Pédales Varengevillaises
2), Mark Jeffrey (Oakenden B.
P. "Amazons")
Didier Oliveau (Parisis A.C.
95): 3 goals
18) Peter Baylis (Oakenden
B.P. "Amazons"), Ruppert MacKenzie Hill (Cirencester
B.P.), Frédéric
Languille (Barbarians), Jean-Michaël Languille (Barbarians), Nathaniel
Ribeiro de Freitas (Parisis A.C.
95), Rob Shaw (Chelsea
B.P.) & Steve Thean (Oakenden
B.P. "Amazons"): 2 goals
25) James
Adamson (Oakenden
B.P. "Tigers"), Martin Adamson (Oakenden
B.P. "Oakenden"),
Andrew Baylis (Oakenden
B.P. "Amazons"), Pat
Boyle (Barbarians), Matt Burbidge (Oakenden B.
P. "Tigers"), Sylvain Chatelain (Pédales Varengevillaises
2), Nicky
Collins (Oakenden
B.P. "Oakenden"), Dave Cole (Oakenden
B.P. "Amazons"), John
Connon (Barbarians), Jamie Curtis (Cirencester-Chelsea),
Sylvain Hédé (Pédales Varengevillaises
2), François Herry (Pédales Varengevillaises
1), Bert Jeffrey (Oakenden B.
P. "Tigers"), Antony
Martin (Oakenden
B.P. "Tigers"),
Maximilien Pollet
(Pédales Varengevillaises
2), Nicolas
Pruvot (Parisis A.C.
95), Laurent Siméon (Pédales Varengevillaises
2), Joe Tickner (Oakenden
B.P. "Tigers")
& Olivier Truc (Parisis A.C.
95): 1 goal.
Final rank of the 9th
Tournament, 2nd leg of the 2016 European Cup,
Vigo (United Kingdom),
25-26 June 2016
1) Pédales Varengevillaises 1 (France, 23 points)
2) Oakenden B.P. "Oakenden" (United Kingdom, 22 points)
3) Barbarians (France, Ireland and United Kingdom, 18 points, Barbarians/Tigers: 4-0)
4) Oakenden B.P. "Tigers" (United Kingdom, 18 points, Barbarians/Tigers: 4-0)
5) Pédales Varengevillaises 2 (France, 16 points, Amazons/St-Pierre de Varengeville 2: 0-1)
6) Oakenden B.P. "Amazons" (United Kingdom, 16 points, Amazons/St-Pierre de Varengeville 2: 0-1)
7) Radler-Club 1913 Wendelstein e.V. (Germany, 13 points)
8) Parisis Athletic Club 95 (France, 10 points)
9) Cirencester-Chelsea (United Kingdom, 4 points)
Other Vigo Tournaments:
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