2011 Autumn Cup

version française
version française

The 12th Autumn Cup was held at the Rémy Morel stadium in St-Pierre de Varengeville (Normandy) by the Pédales Varengevillaises on 24 September 2011. This tournament has been played, as usual, under the French rules.

Three teams from Ile-de-France and Normandy played matches of 2 X 30 minutes: the Entente Sportive Gervaisienne et Lilasienne (Ile-de-France) and the Pédales Varengevillaises 1 & 2 (Normandy).

A victory gave 3 points, a tie 2 points, a defeat 1 point and a forfeit 0 point.
If, after all qualification matches, two teams had the same number of points, the decision between both teams would have followed the conditions below (in order of priority)



P. Varengevillaises 1 / P. Varengevillaises 2

14 - 0

P. Varengevillaises 1 / E.S. Gervais-Lilas

13 - 2

P. Varengevillaises 2 / E.S. Gervais-Lilas

3 - 2

Rank of the 12th Autumn Cup

1) P. Varengevillaises 1 (Normandy, 6 points)

2) P. Varengevillaises 2 (Normandy, 4 points)

3) E.S. Gervais-Lilas (Ile-de-France, 2 points)

Other Autumn Cup's results:

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