2010 North Atlantic Cup |
fourth North Atlantic
Cup has been organised by the Bicycle Polo Association of Ireland from
24 to 25 April 2010 on
the polo pitch of the Phoenix park in Dublin.
Seven teams played matches of 4 X 10 minutes: the Chelsea Pedalers (United Kingdom), the Dublin Obelisk (Ireland), the Dublin Phoenix (Ireland), the E.S. Gervais-Lilas (France), the Oakenden Pedallers (United Kingdom), the Pédales Varengevillaises (France) and the V.C. Frileuse-Sanvic (France).
A victory gave 3 points, a tie: 2 points, a defeat: 1 point and a forfeit: 0 points.If, after all qualification matches, two teams had the same number of points, the decision between both teams would have followed the conditions below (in order of priority):
Matches results on Saturday 24 April 2010
Matches results on Sunday 25 April 2010
Classement de la North Atlantic Cup 2010 1) Vélo-Club de Frileuse-Sanvic (France) : 17 points (+ 45) 2) Pédales Varengevillaises (France) : 17 points (+35) 3) Entente Sportive Gervaisienne & Lilasienne (France) : 13 points (+ 6) 4) Dublin Phoenix (Ireland) : 13 points (+ 3) 5) Oakenden Pedalers (United Kingdom) : 10 points 6) Dublin Obelisk (Ireland) : 8 points 7) Chelsea Pedalers (United Kingdom) : 6 points |
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